With My Devices feature, all folders added on one device are automatically synced to other linked devices with Owner permission. If you’d like to create a Read Only folder on any of your linked devices - whether it be a desktop or mobile device (Android only) - you’ll need to use a Standard folder with a Read Only key. To do so, please follow the steps below.
Computer 1:
1. Add a Standard folder (click here for detail).
2. Copy the Read Only Key (not the link) and pass it over to Computer 2 (the one which will store the Read-Only folder)
Computer 2:
3. Disconnect the Standard folder, if it already got connected. If it's disconnected (dotted) skip this step.
4. Open manual connection box ("+ -> Enter key or link" or use hotkey) and paste the Read Only key into it:
5. Manually select the location for the folder:
6. Click 'Open'.
7. If the folder is not empty, on the confirmation box click 'OK':
Now the folder on Computer 2 should acquire a Read Only key (pencil icon in Sync UI)
Desktop computer:
1. Create a Standard folder.
2. Copy the Read Only Key and and pass it to your Android device.
2. Copy the Read Only Key and and pass it to your Android device.
Android device:
3. Tap the "+" button and select "Enter a key or link".
4. Enter the Read Only key and tap "Add"
5. Add the folder name, check the location and tap on "Create"
4. Enter the Read Only key and tap "Add"
5. Add the folder name, check the location and tap on "Create"