Sync UI can be opened as a web page in your browser. By default Sync WebUI is used on Linux based computers, on Windows PC if installed as service and listens on address, while for NAS listening port differs for each vendors, for workstations default port is 8888.
Start using WebUI
This is the default and the only option on Linux based machines (NAS included). If you install Sync as service on a Windows computer, WebUI is also a default way to render UI. You can use any browser to open the webpage.
On OS X and Windows (if Sync is installed as an app) WebUI can be set up through configuration file. The config below shall be sufficient. Other parameters are optional.
{ "use_gui": false, "webui" : { "listen" : "" } }
Opening WebUI
If Sync runs in configuration mode, listening port can be changed in config file. Here you can find location of config file for NAS. If Sync does not run in config mode (a Linux workstation, e.g.) listening port can be changed right in Sync settings.
Same refers to IP address. To be able to open WebUI from any machine in LAN, set Sync to listen to all interfaces by setting "listen" : "", or unchecking the option "Allow connection from this device only" in Sync settings:
Running in config mode |
Password for WebUI
WebUI is password protected. You're asked to set credentials upon fresh installation. These login/password are not in any way related to your user account or any other login/password in the system.
Setting up password is optional for workstations (just don't fill in password) and is compulsory for NAS. Sync keeps cookies till the end of the browser session. After that on next opening you're prompted for login/password. See here to learn how to reset it if you've forgotten it.
Login/password can also be defined in configuration file. These can be changed right in Sync settings -> WebUI tab. You'll be prompted to enter new login/password right after chancing them.
By default, http protocol is used. Adding "force_https": true parameter to config file will enable https. Sync will be using self-signed certificate so the browser will give the warning about insecure connection. You can either add the exception for this certificate or feed your own cert to config file. Private key shall be stripped off passphrase before feeding it to the server.
Adding shares by link
Adding shares by clicking on the link as well as by placing the link into browser address box is not working with Sync using WebUI. Use manual adding via the menu: "+" > "Enter a key or link" and entering the link there.