Resilio Sync v3 comes with significant usage changes. Before you proceed with the update, it is crucial to consider the following key changes. See here for the full change log.
For a step-by-step update guide, see here.
New look
Discover updated interface and branding changes in Resilio Sync.
Non-commercial usage
Resilio Sync is now available free of charge for non-commercial use. To access all features confirm your non-commercial usage and activate the product using the provided license.
Suspended upgrade for Resilio Sync Business commercial usage
Resilio Sync Business customers won't be able to update to Resilio Sync v3. Please do not attempt update if you have Resilio Sync Business currently installed, including personal Windows Servers. Here you can learn about our business solutions offerings.
Deprecated outdated OS architectures
Support for some of the operating systems and CPU architectures was deprecated. Please check the full list in the change log.