Manual log collection depends on the OS you use to connect to your NAS.
- Ensure your NAS allows SSH connection.
The majority of NAS vendors allow it by default, though some require explicit permission (Allowing SSH for Synology) - Download the pscp tool from, place it to some empty folder.
- Open command line prompt and navigate to the folder where you place pscp.exe
Example:cd C:\Users\JohnDoe\Downloads
You can hit tab when typing to auto-complete folder names - Find where Sync keeps logs on your NAS depending on your NAS vendor.
- Execute secure copy command:
pscp -r -scp <admin_or_root_username>@<your_nas_ip_or_name>:<path_to_logs> ./
The whole folder with all Sync internal data will be copied to your computer. Now clean it up leaving only *.log, *, and other files requested by support team. Pack them and send to tech support.
Let's assume we have Synology NAS at IP. Sync won't run without admin user, so admin will definitely be enabled in our case. Looking into Where to collect logs on NAS article we realise it is /usr/local/resiliosync/var
. You just downloaded pscp to your Downloads folder.
Open terminal and navigate to your Downloads folder:
cd C:\Users\JohnDoe\Downloads
Run command to copy all the file:
pscp -r -scp admin@ ./ |
Command line will prompt you for admin password and after entering the pass will get all the Sync internal data into your C:\Users\JohnDoe\Downloads\var folder. Now we can clean it up, leaving logs only.
OS X and Linux
- Ensure your NAS allows SSH connection.
Most NAS vendors allow it by default, though some require explicit permission (Allowing SSH for Synology). - Open terminal window.
- Navigate to some folder using "cd" command
Example:cd /home/johndoe
- Find where Sync keeps logs on your NAS depending on your NAS vendor.
- Execute secure copy command:
scp -r <admin_or_root_username>@<your_nas_ip_or_name>:<path_to_logs> ./
The whole folder with all Sync internal data will be copied to your computer. Now clean it up leaving only *.log, *, *.journal files. Pack them and send to tech support.
Let's assume we have Synology NAS at IP. Sync won't run without admin user, so admin will definitely be enabled in our case. Looking into Where to collect logs on NAS article we realise it is /usr/local/resiliosync/var
Open terminal and navigate to your home folder:
cd /home/johndoe
Run command to copy all the files
scp -r admin@ ./
terminal will prompt you for admin password and after entering the pass will get all the Sync internal data into your /home/johndoe/var folder. Now we can clean it up, leaving only logs.