Starting from v.2.6.0, Resilio Sync implements real-time performance graphs for ongoing activity. Apart from evaluating syncing progress, these are useful for troubleshooting.
Click on the icon in the bottom right corner to open the graphics and metrics
Sections are: network/disk switchers to the left side, performance graphs in the center and statistics to the right side. Each graph can show performance for 1 minute, 10 minutes or 1 hour.
Network activity is presented with charts and details view.
Details view is a table of peer connections. It shows upload and download speed for each connected peers, as well as packet round-trip-time in the network and network protocol through which a tunnel with peer is established. Protocol uTP is UDP-based, and uTP2 is WAN optimized protocol in Sync.
Disk activity chart shows the current disk performance and well as disk operations. Hover mouse over the chart to see the metrics. Disk load level shows the overall load, not necessarily created by Sync only. Queue is the number of files awaiting to be read or written to the disk.
This information can also be used for troubleshooting. For example, high network latency can cause slow speed of syncing. Overloaded disk may prevent peers from reading or writing files.